13.09.24 – 12.01.25
Corso Canalgrande, 103, Modena
FMAV – Palazzo Santa Margherita
When we talk about artificial intelligence we think about human-machine interaction, and other living beings?
Do the artifacts of technoscience allow us to better understand non-human forms of intelligence? And how does art question and relate to a broader context that includes the environment and the animal and plant world that surrounds us?
The exhibition “Umwelt” which means “environment” or “world around us*, tries to answer these questions and reflects on the non-human ecosystems that populate our planet endowed with literally unthinkable forms of intelligence.
“Umwelt” therefore aims to open a debate on the critical, aesthetic and narrative potential that emerge from the study of unexplored forms of interaction between human beings, machines and natural systems.
**(the term was introduced by the biologist and philosopher Jakob von Uexküll in his essay “Animal Environments and Human Environments” (1933) to describe the unique perspective that each organism has on the world around it).
The artists who worked in synergy with the curator, Marco Mancuso, are: Forensic Architecture (The NebelivkaHypothesis), Semiconductor (Through the AEgIS), James Bridle (Solar Panels (Radiolaria Series)), CROSSLUCID (The Way of Flowers), Anna Ridler (The Synthetic Iris Dataset), Entangled Others (DecoheringDelineation), Robertina Šebjanič/Sofia Crespo/Feileacan McCormick (AquA(l)formings-Interweaving the Subaqueous) and Eryk Salvaggio (The Salt and the Women).
The project is proposed by MFAV Modena Fondazione Arti Visive, in collaboration with Festival Filosofia and Smart Life Festival.
Saturday 14 September 2024
4 pm – courtyard of Palazzo Solmi
“Intersected Intelligences, Nature and artifice, human and non-human, in the Umwelt exhibition”
Dialogue between Davide Piscitelli of Forensic Architecture and coordinator of the project The Nebelivka Hypothesis exhibited in the UMWELT exhibition and the curator of the exhibition Marco Mancuso;
Moderated by Lorenzo Respi, director of exhibitions and collections at FMAV.
in collaboration with festivalfilosofia
Sunday, September 29
4 pm – courtyard of Palazzo Solmi
“Unique and inseparable. The invisible connections between man, nature and machines”
dialogue between Marco Mancuso, critic and curator, Laura Palazzani, bioethics expert and professor of Philosophy of Law at the Lumsa University of Rome, and Alessandra Gribaldo, professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
in collaboration with Smart Life Festival
Cover image
The Way of Flowers_Seed 3053284983_CROSSLUCID, 2023